At Wallin Farms we offer much more than our fabulous emu oil. Whether you are looking to add Up North Emu products to your own business, raise emus, or add the amazing benefits of heart healthy emu meat to your lifestyle, we've got you covered.

Wholesale Emu Products
Large retail stores, farm market stands and everything in between. Up North Emu has product and pricing for anyone to succeed.
Call: 231-651-0552

Farm Tours
Take a closer look at these prehistoric birds! Witness the beautiful "Wind Dance" or immerse yourself in unique drum songs. A great addition to your Up North experience.
$5.00 per person
Tours available most days.
Please call in advance. 231-651-0552

Emu Meat
Recognized as heart healthy by the American Heart Association, emu meat is an excellent red meat alternative. High in iron, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. Low in fat, cholesterol and calories. Our emu meat is processed at our farm in an MDA certified facility. Available May through late November directly from our farm and at local farm markets. Pre-ordering encouraged.
Call: 231-651-0552
Emu Tenderloin Steak: $25/lb.
Emu Fan Fillet/Wallin Strip Steaks: $20/lb.
Sizzler steaks: $20/lb.
Emu steak kabob: $2.50/stick
Ground emu (bulk or patties):
85% meat/15% fat: $12/lb.
97+% lean: $10/lb.
Pricing is approximate and subject to availability

Adult Emus
We have over 100 emus on our farm and raise them from egg to adulthood.
1-3 year old unproven $1,000.00
2+ year mild temperment $2,000.00
2+ year proven breeder $1,500.00
2+ year 15+ fertile eggs $2,500.00
2+ year 25+ fertile eggs $6,000.00
2+ year 35+ fertile eggs $15,000.00
Breeding Pair $3,500.00
Breeding Pair 15+ f.e. $6,000.00
Breeding Pair 25+ f.e. $15,000.00
Breedng Pair 35+ f.e. $40,000.00
Call: 231-651-0552
Pricing is approximate and subject to availability
Emu Chicks
2 week old chicks starting at $200. Passed leg tests and eating pelletized feed. Hatching occurs mid February to mid June depending on the year. Genetic/disease testing available starting at $20 per chick upon request.
Call: 231-651-0552
Pricing is approximate and subject to availability